Learning golf is a fun and rewarding discovery!
There is no one perfect golf swing that fits all. The reason for this is because golf is played by individuals who come in different shape and sizes and have varying talents, strengths, and deficiencies.
One only has to observe players on the PGA or LPGA tour to recognize this. There are many different functional golf swings that can be considered correct as long as they do not violate impact laws. Since there is no one perfect swing and since there are many functional correct swings, how does one discover his own best swing (there is a best swing for every golfer)?
One approach to discovering your best swing is to have Manny (who has the training and expertise) help you:
· Discover your swing mobility
· Discover how your swing mobility shapes your set up and swing to consistently maximize the impact laws
· Discover how your learning style and character can perfect the training of your best swing
God did not call you to be a carbon-copy but an original!
Integrating Faith and Learning