Customer Reviews
Manny, Thank you! After we were done, I went back out and hit the remaining balls. A couple went right, but not with a curve, which I quickly corrected by simply focusing on getting my right hand back over the left before striking the ball. Then I was hitting straight or with a slight draw, and L-O-N-G! They went out of sight past the 250 marker (due to dusk setting in). I've hit over 250 before, but by luck, not one after another with purpose and skill! And another big difference is the flight path -- starting with a low angle and then "lift-off" around the 100 yard point. Perfect!
Manny, I've taken lessons from 4 different PGA pros over the past 3 years. All of them good, but I've gotten the most results from you, and none have given me take-aways with drills to condition myself for a better swing. I was very impressed with your approach, thoroughness, strategy in instruction. The best $60 I spent this year, and I will be referring you to others. Once I get my "new" swing down pat, I expect I'll be back for more fine-tuning. Thanks again, and great job!
Karl Hoffman
(210) 885-7825
Learn Golf With Manny Martinez